Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Maternity Leave

To whomever might just read this...I just wanted to let everyone know (anyone who actually reads here) that I am on maternity leave with my brand new sweet baby girl (and my two precious sons) until January.  I hope to keep my blog updated some...but not promising it will be very often.  I'm a busy gal these days with 3 kiddos.  Whoa!  That seems so strange to say THREE kids!  :)  I'm loving every minute of it though.  Here's just a few of the hundreds of pictures I've taken so far...yes, HUNDREDS (and she's not even three weeks old)!  I'm not a very good photographer, but I'm definitely a picture taking fanatic!!!  Enjoy!

Reading Comprehension Posters and Question of the Week Posters

A lot of people have asked me (and my sister) about the posters and question cards I have hanging on my reading focus wall.  I have created a set of posters that cover ALL units of the Scott Foresman Reading Street series.  I also have created new and improved (cuter) comprehension question cards.  Both of these are available in my TPT store...links below.  The comprehension question cards are fun to use for any story.  I have a set that I use and I also have a seperate set that my students can use to "quiz" each other about what they are reading.  They really like them a lot.     
In my TPT store, I also have all the questions typed up in a document 
in case you want to make your own set of cards for FREE. :)  They can be found here.